Peeps, I heard him on the radio this morning, recorded at the little panel discussion on freedom of expression in academia at the Hilton Garden yesterday (that's the upscale locale to make events look fancier than if they were just held in the Union Ballroom or something on campus.) Now, if you know me, if you know the fiasco that occurred when Bucky shut down the Geological Museum, if you have read this blog in the past or Keep Laramie Dinos or any of Meg Lanker's stuff about that or the Bill Ayer's fiasco that occurred last spring, you know that:
1) Our University President is just another businessman in a college suit (as are so many any more), who talks crap, and
2) I think he is full of shite and have confronted him personally on his heinous acts and have received nothing but his red face staring down at the table in reply (which, frankly, is almost satisfactory.)
So, he was saying, in this excerpt I heard on the radio this morning, that he will speak to the university community this coming Thursday about "lessons learned" from the Bill Ayers shenanigans. And do I believe he will own up to his irresponsible behavior? HELLZ no!
Then, to put the icing on the cake, Meg just posted on a favored social media site, a "Perspective" Buckster the Huckster (I like it; may keep it) wrote for the Casper Star Tribune just over a year ago, during the firestorm of protest over naming the Cheney International Center the Cheney International Center, called "Tolerance, Diversity Cut Many Ways."
(Aside, I find it more than a little disturbing that when I enter that building to visit a health professional here on campus, I am faced with a giant portrait of Dick and Lynn... Really, "Dick Cheney," and "health," whether his own, or that of say, US soldiers, Iraqi civilians, etc., just do not belong together, people.)
Anyway, in this "perspective," Bucky said the following:
"I have no quarrel with people expressing their views to UW. But good universities operate on principle, and the principle here is that tolerance and diversity cut many ways. Whether you are Democrat or Republican, liberal or conservative, Catholic or Protestant, gay or straight, white or black, you are welcome at the University of Wyoming. Should we subject potential donors and the purpose of their gift to public referendum? I think not.
"If we do, we lose sight of the fact that our role is to teach, not to indoctrinate. Good universities cannot distance themselves from all that is controversial. To do so would require rejecting mortgage brokers, bankers, pharmaceutical firms, sports figures, fast food chains, political leaders, historical figures, energy companies, uncommon religious groups, and Middle Eastern countries to name just a few."
I am sorry, but you did not welcome Mr. Ayers to campus, did you? DID YOU?
As the Cloud Lurker would say, and has more than once when either Tommy Boy or Dick is mentioned, ew.