Sunday, January 17, 2010

Healthcare Takeover

Peeps, I keep inadvertently clicking on this link on Facebook that takes me to this petition I can sign, along with 20 Republican governors, to help them prevent the "healthcare takeover."

Now, I don't know if you all are aware, as these 20 heads of US states apparently are not, but "healthcare" (I think we can consider that word in the same way we can consider the "justice system" in this country) was taken over decades ago by insurance companies and Big Pharma and the conventional docs who write out your prescription with a pen denoting the name of the company that took them to lunch recently.

What the hell? When are these dummies going to wake up? Granted, I slept 12 hours last night and could easily crawl back into bed for another session of dreamland (not being able to run fast enough along the fish ladder to get to the plane before it begins taxi-ing for take-off is a lot more pleasant an activity to me than reading the misccomunication being foisted off to anyone who wants to read about how the Obama administration is going to "take over" "healthcare," and then presumably the rest of our lives), but really...! Are we all that stupid?

Eh, maybe so.

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