Thursday, April 15, 2010

Why do you people persist?

I just have a real problem with this. I am trying not to be mean, but it's hard when our democratic right to free speech is being tromped on by people I'd wager consider themselves patriotic Americans.

And they would be opposed to a man they don't even know personally speaking because they don't like him..? Huh? That was common practice in what elementary school grade? You know, before 9th grade Civics?

New Facebook group (I joined and started a discussion. We'll see if anything aside from fearful blustering diatribe ensues):

Against the lawsuit to sue UW for declining venue to terrorist Bill Ayers!

Against the lawsuit to sue UW for declining venue to terrorist Bill Ayers!
Organisations - Political Organisations
The student body spoke, along with alumni and sponsers of the University of Wyoming to keep terrorist William "Bill" Ayers from speaking on campus. It had very little to do with what he had to say and more to do with him as an individual and his actions! Meg Lanker, you are an idiot and will lose this lawsuit! Meg Lanker, for Bill Ayers and yet was against Dick Cheney coming to the same campus!
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Open: All content is public.

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