Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Conspiracy Theory and Aubergine House Fun

Somehow today the subject came up at work at the museum, of conspiracy theory, and I found myself wondering out loud: "The more dope smoked, the bigger the conspiracy?" There you go, Beth; it's in my blog, as requested.

This subject related directly to something I'd been thinking about the blog already, after my comment on the most recent post last night, and other recent posts: Am I beginning to sound like a conspiracy theorist? Am I just another bitter American who feels disenfranchised, griping online to anyone who will complain with me? Have I forgotten the message to be sent the world over through Aubergine House?

No, certainly not! I'm back. If Obama is not your guy, write me in. If he is, more power to us all; I'll run next time around, 2012, the year the Mayans chose to end their long calendar, the year popularly believed will be the end of the world, the return of the plumed serpent Quetzalcoatl (an Aztec deity), and according to Daniel Pinchbeck in 2012: Return of Quetzalcoatl: “The global capitalist system that is currently devouring your planetary resources will soon self-destruct, leaving many of you bereft.” ( I've already got the perfect campaign slogan: "We survived; vote for me."

Speaking of Obama, before I close in hopes of seeing the total eclipse of the Wolf Moon (not looking promising here right now), I finally heard someone say on the radio today what I keep thinking when people talk about Obama and his rhetoric and lack of talk of policy detail. At this point, that stuff is irrelevant, and folks, if you were taught in Civics class, remember that Presidents aren't here to make solid policy all the time anyway. (They're Executors.) As the political commentator reminded us on Talk of the Nation this afternoon, Presidents are supposed to have ideas and bring these things to the legislature. Yes, it's true, despite what the current administration has somewhat successfully, it seems, beaten into many of our minds: the President is an inspiration, a leader, an initiator, and a- ahem- decider, but not necessarily a nuts and bolts -um- Legislator.

Can you even believe that while campaigning before yesterday's primaries, Hillary took time to tell the American public: "As President, I will fully fund our food safety system so that our inspectors have the resources and manpower they need to do their jobs. I will create a single food safety agency to replace the patchwork of regulation we have now. I will implement an effective recall system so that potentially tainted food immediately comes off grocery store shelves and families receive instant notification. I will strictly enforce safety rules and impose stiff criminal and civil penalties on violators. And I will crack down on the slaughter of sick or injured cows, a practice which poses health risks to families and children"? (

Ok, imagine this now: She puts that much effort into every single issue that comes before her. Uhuh, nope, that's not the way it is. Hillary, I have a great idea: Stick with the Senate. It suits you just fine.

I'm done. What about that question way up at the top re: dope smoking and conspiracy, anyway?


Leeschwa- MissDangerPants said...

By the way, First Man Orlando dreamed of the return of Quetzalcoatl, so it must be true, right?

Tom said...

I think paranoia can result from many things, especially when we're continually surrounded by events that cause us to wonder what the hell's going on in the world. It doesn't take a bunch of dope to make ME nervous....